13 April 2016

I’m increasing the code coverage on my pyglet_helper project prior to adding new functionality. As of right now it is:

Coverage Status

If this is green, I have succeeded in my task. Go me!

Before I got this spiffy number, I had to tackle an issue: pyglet_helper project is built on top of OpenGL, but OpenGL needs a display to draw to. The continuous integration system I am using (Travis) does not have a display.

After embarking on a fool’s errand to get Xdummy working in a docker container, my friend Steven pointed to an easier solution: simply create a fakeGL module and then run the tests using that instead of OpenGL. This is not an ideal solution, as my unit tests will only check to make sure that the math is correct, and not that things are being drawn to the screen without glitching, but at the moment I’m okay with that. I’m not trying to test the functionality of OpenGL; I want to test that my math and the inheritance of the objects in pyglet_helper works out. My own math mistakes, and not OpenGL, are responsible for 99% of the weird visual glitches in pyglet_helper.

This post details how to replace an entire module in python unit tests, since I didn’t find it in my initial reading of the mock documentation.

As an example, suppose we have some math to be tested on a Windows AMD machine1. Thus, we would like to mock out numpy.

The function to be tested is in the file one_deep.py:

import numpy

def sum_array(lower, upper):
    return sum(numpy.arange(lower, upper))

This module uses the arange function in numpy, so the file fake_numpy.py contains the code:

def arange(lower, upper):
    return range(lower, upper)

Essentially, the range is now a list instead of a numpy array.

The unit test, which replaces numpy with fake_numpy is:

from mock import patch
import fake_numpy

@patch('one_deep.numpy', new=fake_numpy)
def test_sum_to_hundred():
    from one_deep import sum_array
    result = sum_array(4, 16)
    assert result == 114

Now, suppose we need to go deeper. A second function is in the file two_deep.py:

from one_deep import sum_array
import numpy

def sum_array_again(lower, upper):
    return sum(numpy.arange(lower, sum_array(lower, upper)))

In our unit tests, if only two_deep is patched, when sum_array is called, it will still use numpy.arange instead of fake_numpy.arange. This can produce some interesting errors if numpy is expecting to operate on numpy types.

Thus, the module must be patched all the way down:

from mock import patch
import fake_numpy

@patch('one_deep.numpy', new=fake_numpy)
@patch('two_deep.numpy', new=fake_numpy)
def test_sum_to_hundred():
    from two_deep import sum_array_again
    result = sum_array_again(4, 16)
    assert result == 6435

Unfortunately, I haven’t figured out a good way of making sure that numpy gets patched all in every place where it is invoked yet, leading to a lot of failed Travis builds as I encover another layer of a pyglet_helper object’s dependencies which rely on OpenGL.

  1. Numpy does not support Windows running on AMD chips, as I recently learned.